Magic: The Gathering Forum
Forum Thread: rich people
you are going to hack
How to Learn Magic: The Gathering
Never played a game of the ever-famous, ever-evolving Magic: The Gathering, just like me a few weeks ago? Here's a brief guide on how to immerse yourself into this magical world.
Forum Thread: Tales of Nerdery
If you're here, you probably have those moments every once in a while where you think "This is so #$%@ing nerdy, I love it!" Followed by shame and tears. But anyway, share your tales of extreme nerdery here with a sympathetic crowd. Mostly sympathetic. I'll kick things off with the nerdiest thing I ever said:
Forum Thread: What do you play?
Let us know what you play. Color, style, musical instruments, arson. Whatever you think is relevant.
Forum Thread: Buy Sell or Trade?
If you want to trade someone cards or sell them (we can't supervise transactions) post here.
Forum Thread: Play with me?
Do you have trouble finding other people to play with? Do you yearn for the challenge of pwning someone you've never played before? Post here if you want to find people to meet up with and play or play with long-distance over the net.
Forum Thread: The Rulez
MTG has gone through a lot of official rule changes, and like Pool hustlers almost every group of Magic players have House Rules they play with. What rules do you use? Is there an era whose rules you favor and after which you think the game went downhill? Have you made up any of your own rules, and if so how do they work?
Forum Thread: The Worse / Best Set
What's your favorite card set / sets? Least favorite?
Forum Thread: Hoarders Unite! A collecting thread
What's your MTG card collection look like these days? Tell us about it, and post a pic on the corkboard if you dare. Or video, if you're feeling extra super spunky.